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HOC Grow Methodology

Environment & Lights

House of Cultivar utilizes indoor environmentally controlled facilities to create the perfect cannabis growing conditions every day of the year

House of cultivar indoor cannabis grow cultivation facility

Environmental Controls

Cultivar Farms is an indoor cultivation facility that utilizes a combination of forced air ducted cooling heat pumps and specialty dehumidifiers designed to target optimal dew-point and vapor pressure deficit ranges for plant transpiration and growth.  Each room has independent control of temperature, humidity, light intensity, vapor pressure, and soil moisture to ensure that each strain can be grown within its ideal parameters.  This fine tune control allows HOC to grow a wide range of different cannabis cultivars in the exact environmental conditions the plants needs to maximize its unique genetic traits. 

House of Cultivar's environmental control extends beyond the grow rooms to encompass the drying, curing, inventory, trimming, and packaging spaces as well.  Within these spaces, dedicated HVAC systems provide the same amount of customability to ensure that the cannabis product is always in a clean environment that is free of pathogens, and regulated with the proper humidity and temperature to maintain terpene freshness. 

House of cultivar indoor cannabis grow cultivation facility


Cultivar Farms uses a variety of lighting technologies well-suited for indoor cultivation. Our vegetative rooms utilize a combination of multi-spectrum Ceramic Metal Halide (“CMH”) and Light Emitting Diodes (“LED”) fixtures. Both of these technologies provide our plants with ideal Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) for enhanced growth, along with offering the latest in grow light energy efficiencies. High-Pressure Sodium (“HPS”) lamps have been the standard in the flowering stage of cannabis for nearly 50 years. With the introduction of the double ended HPS lamp in 2010, this technology made a significant advancement in energy efficiency and overall performance. Over the last decade the industry has continued to see the introduction of other lighting technologies, “LED”, “CMH”, Plasma and Induction, that all seek to dethrone the “HPS” lamp as the king. Over the last decade we have continually devoted time and energy towards performing R&D with all have these newer technologies, individually as well as integrated together in various combinations. As of 2017, our research concluded that based on performance, affordability and energy efficiencies, (17% reduction of wattage per square foot of canopy), achieving a comprehensive mixed spectrum of reds, greens and blues was best archived through the combination of 1000-watt HPS lamps and 630-watt CMH fixture. HPS lamps provide an unmatched intensity of reds and greens that ensure beautifully dense flowers with pronounced calyxs, low leaf ratios, and high cannabinoid percentages. CMH lamps round out the light spectrum by providing the blues (UVB) which have proven to enhance production of essential oils and terpenes.

As of 2018, we are utilizing some of the newer LED designs for cannabis flowering rooms as well, and are excited about their potential for use in regards to vertical multi-level flower room gardening. 

house of cultivar LED grow rooms

Want to learn more about our growing methods?